Day 4 and 3 before it begins

Informed Group notebook

Deze klanten gingen je al voor

Yesterday I missed the opportunity to write my blog. Packing was on the menu for the evening. The past few days I could take those 30 minutes to write my blog, but now I had to make sure all items for our booth where packed and ready.

Two laptops, a hub, a lot of flyers and some nice give-aways. Thought I was ready but then I remembered, I needed to finish the last tests of our Office 365 demo with SPA4D and our SharePoint LSQM integration solution. The first is easy. I have given this demo probably 50 times now and all with great success. Our integration with LSQM is a different matter. We are just releasing this together with the Live Science team of EMC – EDC.

The business case is simple but perfect: within a pharma company, a large group of users need to read the SOP’s and other important documents. This needs to be in the audit trail. This TBR (To Be Read) is a very basic function within Life Science. Normally the user needs a full LSQM license and needs to be trained how to operate it. That is not easy, as they might use the system only 2-6 times a year. On the other side, most of these users use SharePoint, they like it, understand it and are fine working with it. So the task is simple: create the TBR function with SPA4D and the answer is perfect. A simple task for users to perform and after the sign-off, a record in the audit trail is added for this action.

But that was the easy business case. What is much more interesting is the ability to service all partners in the life science ecosystem of a company. More and more pharma companies are just managing the process and out-sourcing a lot of work to partner companies. These partner companies come in different sizes and shapes, but also both in very tight or very loose relationships. But for almost all of these companies it is mandatory that they need to be able to read, comment and sometimes edit or create regulatory documents. This demand calls for a set of options a company can select from.

1) if the partner is fully trusted and you have a full working relationship, you might want that partner to have direct access to a subset of documents within Documentum. This needs to be a much simpler interface with preferably a lot cheaper cost-base as these users might change frequently. The interface should be simple and easy to use. The access needs to be possible within the extranet of the pharma company or via a cloud based solution like Office365.

2) if you work on a less frequent bases or less intensive manner with the partner, you might decide that the partner does not need to have full access to the site, but only read only access to a part of the site and should be able to submit documents to be added to your quality system. Again this should be a cost effective interface and simple to use. Because of the more limited relationship it should suffice that only the high level actions from the partner are captured in the audit trail, but versions and revisions should be fully available.

3) if it is a one-time or incidental partner, the partner should only get a copy of the relevant document(s) and should have a communication that is very controlled when documents are added to the system.

And this all makes together:SPA4LSQM-Partner eXchange (PX).

Within the easy to use SharePoint Interface you can decide what level of trust you give to a certain partner and configure the level of access to your QM solution. Trusted partners will get access to the full browse app-part of SPA4D to manage the documents they are entitled to and partners with less of a relationship will get only read-only access to Documentum and can submit documents via a process within a normal SharePoint library without having direct access to Documentum. If you want to make the integration even more loosely coupled you could share the documents with the partner via OneDrive for Business and not even give the partner access to the SharePoint environment, but still control the documents.

All very powerful and very good to demo.  So finally at 1.30 am all was tested and I was ready to go. Now I’m sitting in a Delta plane for the last hour before we touchdown in Vegas after a long, long flight. Hope to see you and let me impress you with a good demo of SPA4LSQM or join us in the raffle for a very nice toy.

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