Today I had a great discussion I’d like to share with you. It was with a colleague about the best interface for end users. The actual point started a couple of weeks ago in a discussion we had with an external independent business consultant. I’ll try to be gentle, but people who know me, know that I have my doubts about business consultants without any expertise in Documentum or SharePoint who, for way to much money, advise clients the most stupid ideas.
But in this case I got a call from a very worried client. How do I make my users like the Documentum interface? They are now working with SAP and suddenly they will need to use Documentum. I off course started with the simple statement that everybody who is using SAP will start to cry out of joy when they see a good user interface like xCP or D2, but I restrained myself and focused on the underlying question.
Which user/roles are we talking about?, what are they doing and why do they need Documentum or SAP? That was a good question, the client did not have the answer and he needed to go back to the extremely intelligent business consultant who did not understand the question because we had to make a decision what the preferred interface was……..
And here is what this blog is all about. Never ever try to come up with a preferred interface for the company. But a preferred interface for a role within the company I like. Look at what people in that role are doing and what interface should fit them best and make sure that all other information can be accessed via that system. The client loved this approach and the business consultant was too busy advising an other client and was never seen again..
But making this vision (the one perfect interface per role) happen, is much easier said than done. How do I make my Documentum data accessible in SAP, Peoplesoft, SharePoint or any other business application without spending thousands of euro’s per year on the integration of my systems? Most new systems have some sort of webservice option to share information, but often it is needed to access the data from the client side and with every update of one of the systems the integration has to be redone or repurchased.
It gets even more difficult if a user needs to be able to make decisions during the collection of data from the other system. Suddenly the integration is not one process but multiple separated processes that have to be started after a choice of intervention of the user. Not an easy choice and for sure very expensive.
We at Informed Consulting got that question often from our clients and finally decided that building a product might be a good idea :-). Now there is LoBConnect. It is not the replacement of your Enterprise Service Bus, nor should it replace your archiving solutions from SAP. But if you have identified that the best interface for a role is not Documentum (can be any from SAP, Oracle, Peoplesoft, Unit4, etc..) and that role needs to interact with Documentum frequently or occasionally, have a look at LoBConnect. It might, in a very simple way, solve your basic integration demands from an end-user perspective.
It is easy to configure any action or any interface, no programming and understands most Documentum interfaces.
So don’t let the fact that users need to be able to access information from multiple systems limit your vision on the best interface for that specific role. Drop by our booth next week at EMC World and we’ll show you this simple wonder.