In this series of posts:
- Part 1: Consuming Azure Marketplace Data in BCS (this article).
- Part 2: Using the Secure Store Service for Azure Marketplace Authentication in BCS.
Windows Azure Marketplace data is a service by Microsoft that hosts WCF services in Windows Azure. Organizations and individuals can consume that data via a subscription model. These services expose data using REST services which can be leveraged in SharePoint using BCS.
For this example we are going to use US Crime data statistics Service ( By using BCS we can consume the Azure WCF Service and display this data in SharePoint via an External List.
For achieving the above we are going to take the following steps:
- Create an Azure Marketplace account and consume the data.
- Create a Custom .Net Connector to leverage this data in BCS.
Use the Secure Store Service for Azure Marketplace authentication (part 2).
In the first part of this series we are going to register for an Azure Marketplace account so we can subscribe to a service. After this, we are going to create a BCS Custom .Net Connector for adding that data to SharePoint’s BCS. In the next part of this series we are going to use Secure Store Service for Azure Marketplace Authentication.
Azure Marketplace Data
To get started navigate to and register for an account by using your Windows Live ID. Click the Windows Live Sign in the upper right corner, add your information, accept the license agreement and click register. Get a developer account, search for the US Crime Data Statistics Service and add it to your account. (some data sets cost money, so be aware). After you found the data feed click on it for more details. Then click the Sign Up button on the right. After this the data feed will be added to your account. Click the “My Account” button in the top navigation and click on “My Data” in the left navigation. You will see the newly added subscription on the page. Click on the title of the service which sends you to the details page of the Crime Service. Click on “Explore the dataset”. A new window is opened and here you can filter the service data using the web browser. Add “Washington” to the “City” Textbox and click on “Run Query”.
- Click on the “Develop” Button next to the Build Query window. This URL contains the address of the service together with the filter we’ve added earlier in the Query Box. You can use the whole URL if you like but you can also use the root service URL and filter the data using LINQ in the custom .Net Connector. At the top of the screen locate the Service Root URL and copy it.
Create a Custom .Net Connector for Connecting to the Azure Service
After registering for an Azure Marketplace account we are going to create a custom .Net Connector to connect the data feed with SharePoint. The build in WCF connector is not suitable for this scenario because the marketplace feed expects the developer key for consuming the service. So in this case a custom connector needs to be developed using Visual Studio.
For this example we are going to create a .Net Assembly Connector. This type of connector is used when the External System Schema is fixed, like the data schema of the Crime data feed.
- Open Visual Studio and create a new project.
- Choose the “Business Data Connectivity Model” as the project type. Call it “USCrimeDataConnector” (or call it anything you like) and click “OK”.
- Choose the SharePoint Server URL on which you’re going to debug and click Finish.
- Rename the default BDCModel and call it “CrimeDataModel”.
- We start by creating an External List for the Azure Crime Data. Right click the existing Entity1 and select Delete.
- Select Entity1.cs and EntityService1.cs in the Solution Explorer and delete them.
- Right click the canvas and select Add -> Entity. Right click the new Entity and select Properties. In the properties window set the Name to CrimeData.
- Right click the CrimeData entity and select Add -> Identifier.
- Select the Identifier and set the Name to Id using the Properties Window.
Add a ReadList method to the CrimeData Entity. Right click the CrimeData Entity and select Add -> Method. Rename the method to ReadList. In the BDC Method Details pane locate the ReadList Method and expand its parameters. Click the dropdown in <Add a Parameter> and choose Create Parameter. Set the following properties in the properties window:
- Name to ReturnParameter
- ParameterDirection to Return.
- Name to ReturnParameter
In the BDC Method Details pane locate the Instances node, select <Add a Method Instance> and choose Create Finder Instance. Set the following properties in the Properties Window:
- Name to ReadList
- Default to True
- DefaultDisplay Name to Read List
- Return Parameter name to returnParameter.
Open the BDC Explorer Window, expand the ReadList message and select the returnParameterTypeDescriptor. Set the following properties in the Properties Window:
- Name = CrimeDataList
- TypeName = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[USCrimeDataConnector.CrimeDataModel.CrimeData, CrimeDataModel]]
- IsCollection = True.
- Name = CrimeDataList
In the BDC Explorer, right click CrimeDataList and select Add Type Descriptor. Set the following properties in the Properties Window:
- Name = CrimeData
- TypeName = USCrimeDataConnector.CrimeDataModel.CrimeData, CrimeDataModel.
In the BDC Explorer, right click CrimeData and select Add Type Descriptor. Set the following properties in the Properties Window:
- Name = Id
- TypeName = System.Int32
- Identifier = Id.
Add 3 more type descriptors and set the following properties (same as above):
- Name = City
- TypeName = System.String
- Name = State
- TypeName = System.String
- Name = Year
- TypeName = System.Int32
- The next step is to define the ReadItem method. Right click the CrimeData Enitity in the canvas and select Add -> Method. Rename the method to ReadItem.
Switch to the BDC Method Details Pane and select the ReadItem node. Click the dropdown in <Add a Parameter> and choose Create Parameter. Set the following properties in the properties window:
- Name = ReturnParameter
- ParameterDirection = Return.
- Name = ReturnParameter
Add another parameter and set the following properties:
- Name = Id
- ParameterDirection = In.
- Name = Id
In the ReadItem method instances node add a new Create Finder instance and set the following properties:
- Name = ReadItem.
- Type = Specific Finder
- Default = True
- DefaultDisplayName = ReadItem
- Return Parameter = ReturnParameter
- Name = ReadItem.
- In the BDC Explorer Window locate the ReadItem parameters and expand them both.
Select idTypeDescriptor under the ReadItem’s id parameter and set the following values in the Properties window:
- Name = CrimeDataId.
- TypeName = System. Int32.
- Identifier = Id.
- Right Click CrimeData under ReadList -> ReturnParameter -> CrimeDataList -> CrimeData and select Copy.
Right Click ReturnParameter under ReadItem and select Paste.
- Click Yes.
- Locate the Model and rename it from BDCModel1 to CrimeDataModel. Repeat this for the LobSystem and the LobSystemInstance.
the BDC Explorer Window will look like the following figure:
- The BDC Model is ready. The next step is adding the Azure Marketplace Service Reference. Switch to the Solution Explorer and a Service Reference.
Add the Azure Marketplace URL to the Address box and Call the Service CrimeDataServiceReference. Click OK.
- Switch back to the Solution Explorer and add a new class to the project. Call it CrimeData.
- Add the following code to the CrimeData class:
[sourcecode language=”c-sharp”]
public class CrimeData {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public int Year { get; set; }
- Add a new class to the project and call it CrimeDataService. Add the following code to the CrimeDataService class:
[sourcecode language=”c-sharp”]
public partial class CrimeDataService {
private string _url = "";
private string _liveID = "{Your LiveID}";
private string _accountID = "{Your AccountKey}";
private static CrimeDataServiceReference.datagovCrimesContainer _context;
public CrimeDataService() {
_context = new CrimeDataServiceReference.datagovCrimesContainer(new Uri(_url))Â Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_liveID, _accountID)
/// The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
/// —> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender1, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
public static IEnumerable<CrimeData> ReadList() {
try {
var crimeData = (from c in _context.CityCrime
where c.City == "Washington"
select new CrimeData {
Id = c.ROWID,
City = c.City,
State = c.State,
Year = c.Year
return crimeData;
} catch (Exception ex) {
SPDiagnosticsService.Local.WriteTrace(0, new SPDiagnosticsCategory("Azure BCS connector: failed to fetch read list", TraceSeverity.Unexpected, EventSeverity.Error), TraceSeverity.Unexpected, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
return null;
public static CrimeData ReadItem(int Id) {
try {
var item = _context.CityCrime.Where(x => x.ROWID == Id).ToList().First();
var crimeData = new CrimeData {
Id = item.ROWID,
City = item.City,
State = item.State,
Year = item.Year
return crimeData;
} catch (Exception ex) {
SPDiagnosticsService.Local.WriteTrace(0, new SPDiagnosticsCategory("Azure BCS connector: failed to fetch read item", TraceSeverity.Unexpected, EventSeverity.Error), TraceSeverity.Unexpected, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
return null;
- Press F5;
- After deploying the external Content Type we first need to set the permissions in the BDC Service Application. Browse to Central Administration. Go to Application Management -> Service Applications and click the BDC Service application. Select the CrimeData ECT and click Set Object Permissions.
Add yourself and assign all the permissions.
- Next is creating an external list for the CrimeData ECT. Creating an external list can be done by using SharePoint Designer or the browser. We will use the browser for this sample.
- Browse to the SharePoint site, click on Site Actions -> View All Site Content -> Create.
Choose External List and Click Create.
Name the List CrimeData, click on select Select External Content Type and choose the CrimeData external content type from the dialog. Click the Create button.
- After creating the External list verify that the Azure Marketplace CrimeData is visible in the page.
- Click on one of the list items to see the details.
The source code for this post can be downloaded here.