My new path to a bright future!


Deze klanten gingen je al voor

Today, 25th of April 2019, is the day we started our journey at Informed Group. An exciting journey that is filled with three months of training and activities. We just introduced ourselves to each other and are still very curious on what awaits us.

At last, the experienced consultants came to hand over the keys of the cars. Of course, we were very excited about that part. Then came the photo-shoot! Very professional by the way. The photos were taken from different angles. Not just one photographer, but we counted three. We were standing very awkwardly next to our brand new cars and next to each other. But yet, very excited to start!

Eventually the photos were not as our colleague expected it to be. So, we had to model again.. ???? You can see the result on the side.

Enough about the first day, the modelling and the speed dates we had. Let’s talk about the real training!

We recently finished our first week of training with the help of one of the best consultants at Informed Group.
The first three days were mainly about ECM. This lecture was given by Ed Steenhoek. We received a lot of information about this subject. Ed is very structured in his lectures and has a passion for Informed Group. We could see the excitement in his eyes when he was talking about the products of Informed Group.

Because we are fast learners, we were ahead of schedule. Therefore Jeroen Jansen, the CEO, came to present his experience in Documentum and how he founded Informed Group. Very proud like a father talking about the achievements of his child. ????

After the three days of ECM, we had to switch to an interactive training. We started by learning data-modelling, SQL and how to use Linux and for what purposes. Eventually the last day, Friday, Martijn van Doesselaar taught us how to give a decent presentation. We learned a lot by making mistakes. He gave us good feedback and we had lots of fun.

The YPA2019 class is ready for the challenge!

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