
Informed Group notebook

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The whole concept of synergy intrigues me. The fact that people who work together can achieve more than if each of those people would work separately is an amazing concept. It’s a concept that is not utilized as often as it should be, but it’s a concept that we at Informed Consulting believe in very much. As a matter of fact, it’s the foundation we’re built on.

A big part of my task these past few weeks is to make sure the Young Professionals are learning as much as they can in their short traineeship. However, last week it was me who got taught a valuable lesson. The trainers of YSE were testing our Young Professional’s analytical skills. They had split them up in 3 groups and gave them an impossible amount of information. At the end of the week they needed to present their advice.

I myself would probably have separated from the rest and kept my findings a secret. My main goal would have been to be better than the other 2 groups. However, within 24 hours our Young Professionals concluded that if they worked together and shared the information they gathered, they would achieve a lot more. So they decided to create a Microsoft Team site where they shared everything.

A group of young, unexperienced, competitive Young Professionals didn’t only understand synergy, they used it to achieve a better end-result!

Young Professionals – Martijn: 1 – 0

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